Discontinued product
You found this product because it was previously in our range. We have discontinued distribution and therefore it is no longer available. However, you can still find the accessories you need to use this product!
MyoTrode Platinum provides the highest pulse transmission quality of all the electrodes we sell. It is recommended to choose when the most precise treatment is needed.
For example, for microcurrent treatments, after nerve injury (paralysis, accident), in special musculoskeletal diseases, in case of sensory disorders. In this case, the electrode with better signal transmission helps to apply a lower current, which is more favorable for the damaged tissues.
The same can be used for those whose skin is very sensitive and feels uncomfortable with the tingling caused by the electricity.
A better quality electrode allows less current to be applied and thus treatment inconveniences are alleviated or eliminated (while maintaining the effect and even better).
An additional benefit of Myotrode Platinum is its high flexibility, so it fits better on the skin on surfaces such as bends, shoulders, wrists, such as MyoTrode Premium electrodes, which are stiffer and follow the bends less.