M-Sonic 950 therapeutic ultrasound device
Instruction for Use

M-Sonic 950 therapeutic ultrasound device

43 review(s)
€ 149
in stock
INCLUDED IN THE PRICE: device, power adapter, 1 tube of ultrasound gel
Instruction for Use


The M-Sonic 950 Therapeutic Ultrasound is a therapeutic ultrasound designed for home use to treat small (10x10cm) area complaints.

It is suitable not only for chronic but also for fresh complaints (because it emits not only a continuous but also a pulsed ultrasound beam).

Not only does it emit a continuous ultrasound beam, but it can also be set to a so-called pulse mode. The continuous ultrasound beam is for treating chronic complaints that have been going on for months; it is usually not very strong for fresh injuries. The pulse mode means that the ultrasound beam switches on and off and so does not "overheat" freshly injured cells.

The M-Sonic 950 can be used to treat fresh pain, lumbar sprains, sciatica, muscle pain, herniated discs, fractures. It is also excellent for sensitive areas such as the face and nerves (neuralgia). Of course, in continuous ultrasound mode it is also effective for chronic complaints (arthritis, arthrosis, tennis elbow, etc.).

The device is designed for home use. After 20-30 minutes of treatment, take a break for at least 30 minutes. This device is not intended for continuous, office use.  


  • Ultrasonic frequency: 1.0MHz±10%
  • Transducer head area: 4.0cm²
  • Power: 1.6W/cm2
  • Max. power: 6.4 W (continuous mode)
  • Output power:
    • L: 0.32W±20%
    • M: 3.20W±20%
    • H: 6.40W±20%
  • Cycle time: L (5%), M (50%), H (100%)
  • Waveform:Pulsating, Continuous

Suggested use:

  • ultrasound treatment can be performed every other day, possibly once a day on the same area
  • treatments should be performed until complete healing

Compatible accessories

Instruction for Use

  • Hungarian | Használati útmutató: M-Sonic 950
    Mielőtt a terméket használni kezded, tanulmányozd át figyelmesen a használati útmutatót! A termék javasolt felhasználási módjának megértése után tudod kihasználni azokat a képességeket, melyeket a termék biztosítani képes.
  • Szlovák | Návod na použitie: M-Sonic 950
    Pred použitím výrobku si pozorne prečítajte návod na použitie. Ak pochopíte odporúčané používanie výrobku, budete môcť využiť možnosti, ktoré vám výrobok môže poskytnúť.
  • English | Instructions for use: M-Sonic 950
    Before using the product, please read the instructions carefully. By understanding the recommended use of the product, you will be able to take advantage of the capabilities that the product can provide.
  • Román | Instrucțiuni de utilizare: M-Sonic 950
    Înainte de a utiliza produsul, vă rugăm să citiți cu atenție instrucțiunile. Înțelegând utilizarea recomandată a produsului, veți putea profita de capacitățile pe care le poate oferi produsul.
