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Kotz (Russian)

Kotz (Russian) stimulation is an electrical muscle stimulation technique. It is used for muscle strengthening and rehabilitation.


The Kotz stimulation (also known as Russian stimulation) is a special electrical muscle stimulation technique originally developed by the Soviet scientist Ja. M. Kotz. The method is used in sports medicine and rehabilitation.

The main aim is to develop and strengthen muscles and promote regeneration. Electrical impulses are used to artificially induce muscle contractions, which contribute to increased muscle strength and faster muscle regeneration.

How does the Kotz treatment work?

  • The Kotz treatment involves the application of specific, medium-frequency electric currents that penetrate deep into the muscles. This electrical stimulation targets the muscle fibres, stimulating muscle contractions in a similar way to how the muscle works naturally.
  • The main effect of the treatment is to increase muscle strength. It also improves muscle endurance and speeds up recovery from injury.
  • Improves communication between the muscle and the nervous system, thus helping to improve motor control, especially in post-injury rehabilitation.

What is it for?

Kotz treatment is used in a number of areas:

  • Muscle Strengthening:An effective way to increase muscle strength and endurance, especially in athletes and those who do some kind of work requiring physical exertion.
  • Rehabilitation: Helps to regenerate injured or weakened muscles, for example after surgery or accidents.
  • Pain relief:Although the primary purpose is muscle development, it is also used for pain relief, as the electrical impulses stimulate nerve endings.
  • Prevention of muscle atrophy:For those who are immobile or have limited mobility, Kotz treatment can help prevent muscle atrophy.


As with any medical or physiotherapy procedure, Kotz treatment has contraindications. These may include:
  • Pacemaker use: electrical stimulation may interfere with older pacemakers, so it is not recommended to use it near a pacemaker, but away from it under the guidance of a specialist.
  • Acute inflammatory conditions: Not recommended for use in inflamed areas.
  • Epilepsy: Electrical impulses may trigger seizures in patients with epilepsy.
  • Pregnancy: Especially in the abdomen and back, not recommended during pregnancy.
  • Cancer: Not recommended for patients with active cancer, but may be used in areas distant from cancer.
  • Fractures or severe injuries: In such cases, immediate electrical stimulation is not recommended until the injury has healed properly.

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