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Ultrasound therapy

Therapeutic ultrasound devices are recommended for home use, home care providers, masseurs, beauticians


Sound is a mechanical vibration. The human ear hears sound frequencies between 20-20,000 Hz. Above 20,000 Hz we are talking about ultrasound that we humans cannot hear.

It has been used for medical purposes since the 1930s. It is used for diagnostic purposes (such as examination of internal organs or blood vessels), crushing of kidney stones and gallstones, “cutting” tissues (as a surgical knife), removing deposits from teeth, and treating musculoskeletal disorders in physiotherapy.

Therapeutic applications of ultrasound

  • pain relief: reduction of symptoms of muscle, joint and tendon diseases, as well as back pain, lumbago, sciatica, spinal hernia
  • inflammation reduction: alleviation of arthritis, but also effective in treating acne
  • reduction of edema (for example, reduction of edema around a pressurized nerve root in lumbago or spinal hernia)
  • cavitation: cellulite treatment and removal of unwanted fat pads
  • phonophoresis: delivers the active ingredient to the deep layers of the skin
  • wrinkle treatment: can be used for wrinkle treatment with excellent results

Beauty applications

  • It can be used to help the absorption of active ingredients on the face and body. It is recommended to increase the effectiveness of a cosmetic agent. Ultrasound helps to absorb oils, fat-soluble vitamins, liposomal products, emulsions and water-soluble substances
  • Increases cell permeability. It reduces the closing function of the skin, so that the active ingredient reaches the deeper layers of the skin. Thus, the effect is stronger than if it is applied only to the skin.
  • Treatment of surface wrinkles and sensitive skin. The treatment is used to disperse and smooth wrinkles (mimic wrinkles). Ultrasound heats tissues and promotes cell building and biochemical processes due to its thermal effect
  • Treatment of acne and pimples on the face and body. In addition to its anti-inflammatory effect, ultrasound activates fibroblast cells, which play an important role in post-inflammatory regeneration. The collagen produced after the ultrasound treatment increases the elasticity of the tissues, reduces the possibility of the formation of scars after acne. It also supports the absorption of anti-acne drugs, increasing their effectiveness
  • Anti-cellulite (cellulite-eliminating) treatment. Thermal effect helps to mobilize the layer of fat on the treated surface, thereby metabolizing and removing fat

Effect of ultrasound treatment

  • The effect is largely due to the rise in temperature caused by the vibration absorbed by the tissues.
  • The tissue particles that get in the way of the ultrasound beam start to vibrate, the elements of the cells move relative to each other. This is called tissue micromassage.
  • As a result, mechanical energy is converted into heat energy, warming the tissues, which has a relaxing, analgesic and vasodilating effect.

Main effects:

  • Pain relief. The analgesic effect is caused by the direct effect of heat and the sensory nerve endings.
  • Tissue “softening” effect (fibrolysis). Ultrasound-induced vibration of tissues results in the breakdown of collagen fibers in fibrotic tissues.
  • Healing stimulating effect (Trophic effect). Heat-induced vasodilation stimulates healing processes and supplies nutrients and oxygen to tissues. In this way, ultrasound improves the cells' ability to defend themselves against the penetration of bacteria and viruses, helps the injured tissues to heal, and speeds up the recovery of inflammatory processes.

In addition:

  • relaxes stiff muscles
  • stimulates the excretion of metabolic products, toxins
  • beneficial for arthrosis, atritis,
  • helps dissolve blood clots and scar tissue,
  • relieves tendonitis
  • anti-inflammatory
  • relieves pain caused by lumbago, spinal hernia, sciatica,
  • treats neuritis,
  • improves lymphatic circulation,
  • before therapeutic massage helps to relax and soften stiff muscles and joint ligaments.

Ultrasound treatment methods: contact and underwater treatment

In most cases, the treatment head is placed directly on the skin during ultrasound treatment. A contact gel is used between the head and the skin to help penetrate the rays. Without gel, the treatment can be ineffective!

In many cases (for example in rheumatoid arthritis) the pain is so strong that the pressure and touch of the head on the skin causes unbearable pain.
In this case, use underwater (medically called subaqualis) ultrasound treatment. The body is immersed in water (such as a tub). An ultrasound head immersed in water does not touch the sore part of the body, but directs the rays from a distance of 1-2 cm to the area to be treated. The vibration propagates undistorted in the water, so the beneficial effect still prevails.

Attention! The Sonic 901 and Sonic 922 are NOT suitable for immersion in water! For underwater treatment, choose the MediSound Pro II or MediSound 3000 - they have a waterproof head!


Do not use ultrasound in the following cases:

  • Do not use in cancer, especially not on or near the tumor. Ultrasound can stimulate tumor tissue growth and metastasis
  • In case of fresh hemorrhage - may stimulate bleeding.
  • In acute venous thrombophlebitis, ultrasound can cause the inflammation to spread
  • In acute deep vein thrombosis, ultrasound treatment can lead to clot rupture and embolization
  • In patients with acute sepsis (sepsis) in the affected area, as ultrasound may cause the infection to spread;
  • Radiation therapy has a destructive effect on tissues, so ultrasound cannot be used in areas affected by radiation therapy. You can use the ultrasound in the irradiated area no earlier than 6 months after the last. (However, it can be used away from irradiation.)
  • Ultrasound can increase severe osteoporosis. This is not an exclusionary reason, but careful consideration is required before treatment.
  • Near the epiphysis of the joints (the growth zone), during the phase of bone growth
  • On and around the eyes
  • Near thyroid gland and heart.

Ultrasound dosing

Ultrasound treatment, like other procedures and medications, cannot be “consumed” without limit.
It can be overdosed in the same way as drugs! Although fortunately it does not cause poisoning, it can cause symptoms to worsen. If you experience this, stop treatment and see what “dose” you need for treatment. Reducing the frequency, duration and / or intensity of treatment is the solution in such cases.

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