Personal Laser L400 softlaser /LLLT
About the Personal Laser L400 soft laser device
The device emits a continuous wave (CW) laser beam of 400mW. The wavelength of the laser light is 808nm, i.e. infrared, invisible to the naked eye.
This laser beam is suitable for treating both tissues close to the body surface and deeper into the body. It has a maximum penetration of 5-8 cm.
Most of its uses are in the treatment of musculoskeletal inflammation, injuries and pain, such as arthritis (joint wear), arthritis (arthritis and rheumatism), tendinitis (tendonitis), bursitis (inflammation of the neck), muscle injuries (strains, bruises, tears, etc.). Hundreds of different diseases are included in the group that can be treated.
In addition, it can be used to treat skin (acne, afta, ulcer, scar, stria, etc.), ear (tinnitus, ear canal inflammation, etc.), dental (inflammation of the jaw, facial nerve palsy, facial nerve paralysis, gingivitis, etc.).
The laser beam of the device is continuous, delivering 4 Joule of energy every 10 seconds.
The laser beam of the device has an area of 1cm2, smaller than the area of B-Cure (4.5cm2) or Safelaser 150 (2.5 cm2). However, it delivers the desired amount of energy much faster. It takes 12.5 seconds for the Personal Laser L400 to deliver 5 joules of energy, compared to 5-8 seconds for the B-Cure and 2-3 minutes for the Safelaser 500.
The small beam diameter means you don't need to buy special optics, like the SafeLaser, to treat tinnitus or oral formations.
Due to the small beam diameter, it is suitable for local treatment of trigger points, nerve fibre injury, nerve pain, polyneuropathy.
The battery provides 2 hours of treatment with one charge.