MyoBravo TENS/EMS/FES /2-4channels
Instruction for Use

MyoBravo TENS/EMS/FES /2-4channels

15 review(s)
€ 235
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INCLUDED IN THE PRICE: device, 4 stimulation cables, 4 self-adhesive TENS electrodes (40x40 mm), 4 self-adhesive TENS electrodes (40x80 mm), 4 AA batteries
Item number: 010E-004

Choose a compatible accessory

Belt for lover-back pain / abdominal strengthening

Probe for incontinence therapy

Instruction for Use


The MyoBravo is a 2-4 channel, multifunctional electrotherapy device. It offers three types of therapy in one device.

  • Muscle stimulation (EMS), optimized for sports use
  • Pain relief (TENS), for both acute and persistent pain
  • incontinence management (FES), for all forms of incontinence

Muscle stimulation (EMS)

MyoBravo has a strong focus on competitive and recreational sports applications. It includes several programs to increase muscular strength and specific muscle abilities (endurance, stamina, explosiveness, etc.) and to combat fatigue. It also helps relaxation and active muscle recovery.

In addition, three other freely configurable programmes allow you to create a personalised programme to suit your needs.

MyoBravo is therefore not only ideal for athletes or people suffering from muscle weakness, but also for sports professionals, coaches, sports doctors or physiotherapists. You can design a treatment that is in line with the improvement in performance. Because the programs can be modified at any time, there are almost unlimited variations.

The device is portable, fits in a sports bag, can be used in training camps and at home.

Of course, MyoBravo is not a miracle device. Just as with any other electrostimulator, use MyoBravo only as a supplement to active physical training - never as a substitute for traditional exercise.

The 23 sports programmes include (each group provides several treatments).

  • Warm-up
  • Capillarisation
  • Endurance
  • Endurance
  • Maximum effort
  • Robility
  • Muscle concentration
  • Regeneration

TENS treatments

The device includes several pain relief programs, making it suitable for both acute and persistent pain relief.

Traditional TENS (CONT), also known as high-frequency TENS

  • The device always delivers rapidly repetitive (high frequency) electrical impulses of the same shape and duration.
  • The main effect of high frequencies is to block the pain transmission pathways and the spread of pain.
  • The analgesic effect of high frequency TENS treatment starts after 15-20 minutes and lasts for 2-3 hours.
  • Use this programme if you are sure you will only need a few sessions, as your body can quickly get used to the regular repetitive pulses and the pain relief will wear off after a few days.
  • Do not use this programme to reduce arthritic pain that has been bothering you for years.
  • But it is also a good choice for fresh pain, nerve pinching, fresh muscle injury, strains, sprains, neck sprains, etc.


  • In this program, the device delivers 9-9 slow (low frequency) pulses of the same shape and duration twice a second.
  • The main effect of the low frequency is that it can increase your body's production of its own painkillers, called brain endorphins, so reducing pain in the most natural way possible.
  • The pain-relieving effects of low-frequency TENS therapy start after 25-30 minutes of treatment and last for 5-6 hours, and for some people even longer.
  • Use this programme if you are sure you will only need a few sessions, as your body can quickly get used to the regular pulses and the pain relief will wear off after a few days.
  • Do not use this programme to reduce arthritic pain that has been nagging you for years.
  • But it is also a good choice for fresh pain, nerve entrapment, fresh muscle injury, strains, sprains, neck sprains, etc.
  • Named after Professor Han, this mode is a variation of the regularly repeated pulse treatment.
  • This treatment combines the beneficial effects of high and low frequency treatments. This is achieved by varying the frequency of the pulses from 2 to 100 Hz continuously every 2 to 4 seconds.
  • This not only blocks the pain transmission pathways and the spread of pain, but also stimulates the production of your body's own painkillers, called endorphins. That means the pain relief effect can be double, stronger and longer lasting than treatments using a single frequency
  • Also, it's for shorter duration pain relief because despite the changing frequency, your nervous system can get used to it in 10-15 days and the effect of the treatments can slowly wear off.
  • Don't use this program to reduce arthritic, arthritic pain that has plagued you for years.
  • This mode was created to prevent habituation and is therefore best suited to treat pain that occurs daily due to a chronic illness and the illness itself can persist for months or years.
  • This program can be used for the daily treatment of arthritic (inflammatory), arthritic (abrasive), rheumatic joint pain, epicondylitis (tennis elbow), etc.
  • The program continuously changes the parameters of the treatment pulse (frequency, pulse width and/or intensity). This way, the body adapts to the electrical pulses not at all or much later.

Incontinence treatment (FES)

Incontinence therapy includes the treatment of stress incontinence, urge incontinence and faecal incontinence. Mixed incontinence can also be easily treated with different phases of an individualised programme.

Treatment probes for incontinence treatment in the vagina and/or rectum must be purchased separately!

Technical details

  • 23 muscle stimulation (EMS) programs, including 3 fully customizable 5 phase programs
  • 4 different TENS (Continuous (Cont), Burst, HAN, Modulated)
  • 4 different incontinence programs: Stress, Urge, Stool, Mixed
  • 4 channels
  • The LCD screen displays timer and intensity
  • Each treatment time from 1 minute to 10 hours
  • Time and average intensity of each channel
  • High safety level to protect the user
  • Waveform: asymmetric, rectangular, biphasic, zero DC current
  • Amplitude: 0 - 90 mA
  • Type: constant current
  • Selectable pulse width: 50 µS-300 µS
  • Frequency range: 1 - 200 Hz
  • Run time: 0.1 - 9.9 seconds
  • Can be operated with 4 AA batteries

Instruction for Use

  • Hungarian | Használati útmutató: MyoBravo TENS/EMS/FES
    Mielőtt a terméket használni kezded, tanulmányozd át figyelmesen a használati útmutatót! A termék javasolt felhasználási módjának megértése után tudod kihasználni azokat a képességeket, melyeket a termék biztosítani képes.
  • German | Gebrauchsanweisung: MyoBravo TENS/EMS/FES
    Bevor Sie das Produkt verwenden, lesen Sie bitte die Anweisungen sorgfältig durch. Wenn Sie sich mit der empfohlenen Verwendung des Produkts vertraut machen, können Sie die Möglichkeiten, die das Produkt bietet, voll ausschöpfen.
  • English | Instructions for use: MyoBravo TENS/EMS/FES
    Before using the product, please read the instructions carefully. By understanding the recommended use of the product, you will be able to take advantage of the capabilities that the product can provide.
