Functional electrostimulation (FES)
Functional electrical stimulation (FES) is a general term. It includes electrical treatments that aim to restore a lost function.
Examples of such functions include
- regaining muscle strength after long-term illness, injury or surgery
- regaining range of motion, reducing joint stiffness prolonged immobilisation (e.g. after removal of a plaster cast after a fracture)
- increasing the strength of weakened pelvic floor muscles (stress incontinence)
- reducing sphincter muscle overactivity (urge incontinence)
- regaining mobility (in case of stroke, paralysis),
- improving blood circulation,
- etc.
Functional stimulation can therefore be of many types.
Contraindications to the use of a functional stimulator
- pregnancy
- presence of a pacemaker
- Age. Under 16 years of age only if justified and under supervision.
- In case of acute thrombosis or thrombophlebitis
- Near trauma, near haemorrhages
- In case of epilepsy
- Near tumour tissue